Author: admin

When the heart gets ahead of the mind…


hoardingIn this “business” we see it all the time. Really well meaning people that get in over their heads. I’m not speaking of hoarders. Most psychologists feel hoarding is more of a mental disease than a controllable impulse.

I’m talking about well meaning rescuers that have let their hearts lead the way and they put their logic and their finances aside to try to help “just one more”.

I’ve seen so many cases where people were living in absolute squalor, all their resources gone, all their money gone, their homes in foreclosure and still much of the rescue community looks at them like they were heroes.

“They gave their WHOLE lives to the animals”.

I’m not impressed.
These people don’t impress me. I pity them. Not only that but they are HURTING us, our no-kill movement, they make us all look bad and “suspect”, and they are not good for the future of the animals in their care.
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The Story of Annie

annie2Annie first came to us when we got a call from our friends at Mount Vernon NJ Animal Control.

They are a shelter in NJ that try very hard to never euthanize if they can help it, but they ARE a county shelter and eventually the time came for Annie.

No one wanted to do it, but Annie had been there a year and the director sadly said that she wasn’t being adopted and they couldn’t keep her forever at the expense of others. The shelter staff and volunteers reached out to us. They loved this sweet girl. Could we possibly take her? Continue reading…

You too can (and SHOULD) fight the status quo

cheetahI was wading through the hundreds of surrender requests we get each week. Almost none of them were dogs with no issues. Most of them had some sort of major aggression issue, or behavior issue, or were court ordered dangerous dogs, or had severe separation anxiety. Sigh. It is emotionally exhausting some days to read through them and I want to ask them all “why didn’t you address this behavior when it first started”? Why do so many people let it get to THIS point before looking to abandon the dog, when a little ounce of prevention could have been worth a hundred pounds of me taking their dog?

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In the interests of Tyson

TysonAt Pets Alive my job is mainly decision making.  I probably make hundreds of decisions a day.  Some are easy.  Some are tough.  But I think if you put it all in a nutshell that is my primary function as the executive director here.  Make decisions.  Yes, some are bound to be wrong and believe me, there isn’t anyone that can beat me up over those more than I can, so …save it.  If I screwed up, then I’m already caning myself far worse than anyone else ever could.  I understand that I’m human and that I’m not going to be right every time.  I’m going to make mistakes like everyone else.  I do accept that.  When I do mess up, I try to make sure I understand why and not ever make that same mistake again.  Not much more I can do than that.

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How do you know when it is time for euthanasia?

sweetseraMany of my friends have asked me how to tell if it is time to let their beloved pet “go”.

In this “business” I have seen it all. Some people put their dogs or cats down at the very first sign of illness because they don’t want to pay vet bills or because they claim that is the most humane thing. Unfortunately I have also seen people wait far too long, past the point of humaneness and into the realm of cruelty.

I know it is difficult to let a beloved pet go.  I can’t even type this without my throat closing up and tears welling into my eyes at the thought of the ones I have had to let go.

This is a very personal decision.
No one can make it but you.

I am certainly no authority on this, and nothing would give me the right to judge this for others, but here is how I decide with my own dogs, if this helps. Continue reading…

Feral cats – educating communities

feralcat1I know. I know.
Everyone that knows me is shocked. Wait…huh, who is writing this? Is this Kerry?


Yes. Why, yes I am.

Contrary to what many of you believe I do NOT dislike cats.

I am just more of a huge dog lover, but there are some blackmail pictures of me out there snuggling up with a cat or two. I do NOT dislike cats. Well. Not TOTALLY. And feral cats…I actually REALLY like feral cats. I’m impressed by them. And moved by them. And I like to watch them. I find them mysterious, and entertaining, and independent. I love their disdain for humans (I feel like that many days too!) and I love that they survive almost anything and that they can be seen throughout the winter, and in the heat of summer, and survive not only extreme heat and cold, but floods, and starvation, and injury and illness. I’m so impressed by how they adapt and find a way to survive and live and thrive, how they develop family networks and extended family communities, even though almost all the odds are stacked against them.

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Farewell to Zack, a “throw-away” dog


My dog Zack died today.
Zack was just eight years old and like all your dogs are to you (I am sure), he was very special to me.

I am not writing this story to make you all miserable with me.
Heavens knows if you love your animals you are either going through this too, have gone through this, or WILL go through this. All true animal lovers know and recognize this awful pain.

The point of my story today is to showcase some issues in our society that so desperately need to be fixed…and why I believe in Best Friends/PIUTW and their mission. Above all, I truly believe that THIS organization can accomplish the goals they lay out in their master plan.

So now let me tell you about my sweet dog, Zack. First off, his name was Zachoroy. ZackOrRoy. That is because when he came to me, his name was Damien. We looked at him and KNEW that had to go. You see, Zack was a Rottweiler and Damien was the name of the vicious, Satan-possessed Rottweiler in The Omen. So we knew the name could not stay and we looked at him and he was very goofy and silly looking and we just could not decide between Roy and Zach and so ZackOrRoy was created. Continue reading…